Are you looking for cheap music concert tickets? has cheap concert tickets for every concert in every city. To make things better, we automatically display the cheapest tickets for every concert in our cheap concert calendar right below the "Buy Tickets" button. Browse our concert listings below to find the best prices. You can also use our ticket filters to narrow your cheap concert search by date, city, performer, and music genre, or you can visit our Concerts Near Me page
At CloseSeats, the minimum amount someone can sell a concert ticket for is $6.00 per ticket. Many times, sellers are stuck with tickets and they will lower the price to sell them faster. This creates an opportunity for you to save big money on concert tickets. While it is true that popular concerts may have very expensive ticket prices, it is not unusual for concert tickets to be listed in our marketplace for below the face value of the ticket. Take the time to browse our marketplace for cheap concerts, Tickets are added to our site daily, so if you do not see tickets at a price you are willing to pay, just check back to see if the prices are lower another day.
The cheapest Concert tickets usually have seats located in the upper sections and Back sections of the concert venue where the event is being held
Occasionally will offer concert ticket discounts through promo codes. These promo codes will clearly be displayed in our ticket listings, no need to look elsewhere
Watch for concert ticket drops at the concert venue box office. Tickets are sometimes held for families and VIP guests and then released to the public at a later date when the tickets are going to be unused.
When you click on a section of the Interactive concert seating chart for ANY concert, the cheapest concert tickets for that section will appear at the top.
Tickets for concerts that are scheduled during already busy weekends, like Holidays, and especially weekend summer concerts, will most likely have higher ticket prices
Check for Concert packages in the concert ticket listings above, many packages will include perks with your concert tickets that will be cheaper to buy together, rather than individually
Purchasing an odd number of concert tickets like 1, 3, or 5 will sometimes be cheaper than purchasing an even amount of tickets.
Waiting until the last minute to find concert tickets to get a cheaper deal does not always work. Many times prices actually go up as the concert is getting nearer.
Currently, the cheapest concert tickets on are $6.00 per ticket. The average concert ticket price is $68.00. Concert ticket prices will vary, depending on a number of factors, including who is performing, where the location of the concert is, and where the location of concert seats.
Concert listings in our marketplace are always updated, and tickets are almost never sold out. Check back often because we usually have cheap tickets available up to the last-minute before concerts.
On our concert schedule, you will find cheap concert tickets for every music genre here is a list below