BTS Ticket Prices


How much are BTS Tickets?

The average price for a BTS concert ticket is currently $1442.00, while the average price of actual tickets sold on the secondary market is $730.00. BTS tickets can be found for as low as $230.00 for some concerts with the cheapest tickets usually located in the upper levels of the concert venue. The most expensive BTS concert tickets can cost more than $3,000, these tickets are usually in the first few rows of the concert and are part of a VIP package or Meet and Greet opportunity.


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BTS concert ticket prices


BTS recently cancelled their upcoming tour. Venue prices above reflect what average prices were before they cancelled and what you can expect if the tour is rescheduled. Any new BTS tour dates are listed in our ticket listings at the top of this page with the cheapest ticket prices listed for that location.***

BTS Concert Ticket Price Forecast: HIGH 


What Determines the price of a BTS ticket on the secondary market?

The asking price or cost of a BTS ticket is really determined by 4 factors:

  • Supply
  • Demand
  • Seat Location
  • Number of shows or concerts in the same city



The supply of BTS tickets right now is actually very low. This is because many of the cities have not had official on-sales yet.  Many of the tickets that are currently available for sale have been obtained by sellers that are part of a fan club or have season passes to the venue where the BTS concert is being held. Even after more tickets are made available to the public, we expect the supply on the secondary market to drastically go up. As of this writing, there are only 449 tickets available throughout 15 venues. 


The Demand for BTS Bangtan Boys concert tickets is very high. This boy band is one of the most popular and trending music groups in the world right now. We expect the demand to stay high, which will keep ticket prices high for this concert tour.

Seat Location

The seat location that you are looking to purchase for a  BTS concert or show has a huge impact on the price that you will pay for tickets. While the seat location has nothing to do with the overall popularity of the concert, you will obviously pay more for tickets that are closer to the stage than you will for tickets that are far from the stage. While it is not a golden rule, the asking price or cost of a ticket usually goes up with better seats.

Number of Shows or Concerts in the Same City

The more concerts that BTS has in any particular city on their current tour will typically result in more tickets available on the market, which in our experience has been one factor in finding better prices for a concert ticket. If BTS is only performing one show in one night, the demand for tickets usually is higher which results in higher ticket cost.


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